The Terminus Archives, also known as The Neo System...
A dimensional archival system of the Matrix.
Built by Sigma to honor Neo,
a mysterious hacker priest...
Many layers and levels exist within the Network of Terminus.
Each layer is more different depending on where you are.
The Terminus Archives is also a gateway to the Fourth Wall.
Upon logging into the Matrix, you end up in the fictional world.
Recently, this system was pristinely formatted.
However, there have been a few interferance attempts.
If you probe too deep; you may not be able to return...
RETROGRYDON was originally a cyber military dimensional fort.
Long ago, they used to combat many cyber threats throughout it's lifetime.
Nowadays, it's usually a hangout for Retro Gamers.
Some of it's military existence still remain, though it is hard to find.
Further information is to be determined...